£500 #1

£0.49 Per Ticket

Winner is: Rhondamo

Ticket number: 1770

About This Competition

£500 #1

  • A live stream will be held via Facebook and the winner will be selected using Google’s random number generator. The winner will be contacted to let them know they’ve won.
  • Prize: £500
  • Delivery: Paid into winners account.
  • Competition Ends 17th November 2023
  • Minimum Tickets Sold: 1
  • Ticket Limit: 1999
  • Purchase Limit: 100
  • Ticket Price: 49p
  • This Competition will have 1 Winner
  • If the Draw sells out early all players will be notified via Email the date of an early draw.
  • Anyone from U.K, Ireland, Channel Islands can enter our competitions.