£2.99 Per Ticket


  1. Gavin
    Ticket number: 1411
    Answer: 60
  2. wotsuped
    Ticket number: 1700
    Answer: 60
  3. okane.eileen
    Ticket number: 1402
    Answer: 60

About This Competition


  • A live stream will be held via Facebook and the 3 contestants will be selected using Google’s random number generator. The contestants will be contacted to let them know they’ve won.
  • The sequence the contestants are drawn out will be their number for guessing the price of our showcase item.
  • All contestants will need to appear live on Zoom.
  • The 3 contestants will in order, guess the correct retail price of our Item we will have on our show at our draw studio.
  • The contestant who guesses the closest retail price will win the 1st prize, 2nd closest will win 2nd prize and 3rd wins 3rd prize.
  • If a player guesses the exact retail price they will be paid a £1000 cash bonus on top of their 1st prize money.
  • Prize: 1st: £2000, 2nd: £750, 3rd: £250
  • Competition Ends 19th November 2023
  • Minimum Tickets Sold: 1
  • Ticket Limit: 1999
  • Purchase Limit: 100
  • Ticket Price: £2.99
  • This Competition will have 3 Winners
  • If the Draw sells out early all players will be notified via Email the date of an early draw.
  • Anyone from U.K, Ireland, Channel Islands can enter our competitions.